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Welcome to the project webpage for the Rezoning Amendment Application (Z 24-02) for the property at 3890 Brown Road, in the City of West Kelowna. Homestar Investments (006) Ltd. is proposing a multi-family residential and childcare development intended to support the growth of the Westbank Urban Centre, while preserving key natural areas as public parks.

Subject Site

The subject site is 8.7 Hectares (21 Acres) in size and is located within the Westbank Urban Centre Residential Shoulders (Area C) and Natural Area, as per the City of West Kelowna's Official Community Plan. The site is situated between Highway 97 and the Okanagan Lake waterfront. Glen Canyon Regional Park lies to the west, and several recreational and commercial amenities are located nearby to the north.

project summary

The proposed development includes between approximately 976 to 1,282 residential units spread across twelve buildings, and one childcare centre building. The intention is for the residential building heights to range from six to twelve stories, with the higher buildings located at the middle of the development. The project also features a childcare center which will accommodate approximately 50-75 children, and a large central courtyard.

Approximately half of the site will be dedicated as park space, further expanding Glen Canyon Regional Park, and maintaining connectivity to the local trail system. The phased development will ensure that each portion of the site is properly serviced throughout construction.

Project team

Developer: Homestar Investments (006) Ltd.

Architect: Arcadis Architects Canada Inc.

Civil Engineer / Planning Consultant: Aplin & Martin Consultants Ltd.

Environmental: Okanagan Environmental Health and Safety Services Ltd.

Wildfire Hazard: Swanson Forestry Services

Transportation: Creative Transportation Solutions Ltd.

development application details

A Rezoning Application has been submitted for the 3890 Brown Road site. The application proposes:

  • To amend the zoning from RU4- Rural Residential Large Parcel Zone to a Comprehensive Development Zone (CD). The rezoning will outline the phased development of the thirteen buildings including twelve residential, and one childcare building. The development will integrate public parks and green spaces, ensuring residents have access to both urban and natural amenities.

At this stage of the Rezoning Application process, the City of West Kelowna is providing their review and feedback on the proposal.

Once a public meeting date has been established, the City will make the meeting information and associated applications details public. We will also provide key project updates on this webpage.

your feedback

Thank you for taking the time to review the project information. We welcome and encourage your comments, questions and feedback via email to:

Angele Clarke | Senior Planner

Email: AClarke@aplinmartin.com

Phone: (250) 448-0157